Friday, January 05, 2007

It's been a long time...

Wow! I haven't posted in ages. Don't have any pictures to put up right away, but I'll download some and get them up later this weekend. I've got some finished projects that have finally been gifted and a couple I finished for myself that have finally been blocked.

It's been a busy holiday season for us. We've had tons going on with the dogs, the family, and ourselves. We had several wonderful celebrations over the holidays and really enjoyed our families. Things change there, but you can still count on others to be the same. And we'll have more get togethers soon, I'm sure, when Dad and Kathleen come home for a visit from Alaska in the last half of the month. I can't wait!

As I write this, I'm recovering from a horrendous cold and LASIK surgery that I had yesterday. I still have a bit of trouble seeing the computer screen, but it's so much better right now than it was this morning. Just amazing!!! I had my one day follow up this morning, which was actually less than 24 hours after surgery and my vision is technically better than 20/20...I can see some on the 20/15 line. It's just getting my brain used to and my corneas healed up enough to see the in betweens and clarify some of the details. It's just absolutely amazing...I said that already, didn't I? I've worn glasses or contacts since I was 8 years old. This is the first time since then that I can wake up, open my eyes and see clearly without having to have any kind of aid. Amazing!

Savannah's had some big milestones in the past month, too. Her registration papers arrived, so she is officially Wolfrun White Lightnin'. Now we just have to see what kind of letters we can put around that. She's so darn smart and so willing to please. I think she may be destined for obedience, if her mom can figure that sort of thing out. And if she stays more moderately sized she could do agility, though I know I'd hold her up there! She also has lost most of her baby teeth and has all her big girl canines coming in. Poor little thing, but she's a trooper and put up with it quite well. She also go her first big girl crate. Everyone teases us about the giant corgi condos our other two have...size 400s. Well, believe it or not, we went for a 300 for Bobannah. We just couldn't fit 3 400s in the Kiasaur and don't think she'll be as big as Libby and least we certainly hope not.

She also had her first handling class where she actually practiced this past Tuesday. For being a spoiled rotten 5 month old puppy who never has to walk on a leash at home, she did quite well. There is a golden/cardi person there who covets her, that's for sure. She keeps going on about her personality and how nice she is. She even pretended to steal her when we shut the lights out to go. :) I know she's waiting for just the right black puppy bitch, too, but I sure am fortunate this one is ours! She's going to be so much easier to handle than my darling/ornery red boy! The other interesting thing is that one of the kennel club members actually asked if Savannah was related to Maya, whom she'd only seen in the ring when visiting the golden/cardi person. I definitely see a resemblance, but I think she looks more like Huxley right now. She's got some habits that remind me of both of them...and her bark sounds like them, too. Silly little girl!!! I love her tons!!!

Libby's nose is put out because she can't be bed dog for a week after the eye surgery. That's been her major special thing that keeps her different from Ef and Savannah. She's pouting about it, of course. She and Ef are out playing right now. They were getting a little rough and tumble, so I brought Savannah back in. Lib and Ef need time to play by themselves without their little sister always butting in. Both Savannah and Ethan gang up on's a wonder she has taken one or both of them out by now!

Well, that's a real quick update...about all I can stand right now...eyes are getting tired and I reallllllllyyyy need to be knitting!

1 comment:

Jeri said...

Glad to hear from you! My husband has been *dying* to get Lasik for years, but he's not a good candidate for it because his eyes are really dry. :( I can't imagine what an amazing difference it is! Hope you heal up quickly.

Can't wait to see pictures of the brood sometime!