Saturday, September 30, 2006

Four more days

Just four more days before the new wee one gets to come home. I can't wait, can you tell? She's just so darn cute!!! And I can't wait to watch her grow. I hear she's got an ear almost up...definitely won't have to tape this one, either. That'll make three that never had any tape on their ears. Of course, I shouldn't talk too soon...we'll just have to wait and see. Fourteen weeks is the limit in our house...then the tape will come out.

As for knitting, thank goodness for Fred Meyer. Sometimes you've got to look for yarn in unusual places and Fred's actually has a decent selection. Lots of colors of Homespun at great prices, plus chenilles, baby yarns, and now they have variegated wool. I can't believe it. Perfect for felting!!! So I got enough yarn at their buy 2 get 1 free sale to make two birthday presents, though I may add another color to the variegated. Still a good shopping deal for me!!!! Now to plan those presents! I actually started one tonight and she doesn't know I have a blog, so I can talk about it. I'm making a drop stitch scarf out of a yarn called baby cloud for my work study student. Her birthday is Tuesday, so I've got some quick knitting to do. I've already knit about a foot of it and it's really cute. I'll put up pictures when I get it done. :)

Tomorrow's the big prep day for Savannah's arrival. I'll rearrange and deep clean the bedroom so there is plenty of room for her crate in there. And I'll clean her crate and make sure she's got plenty of easily washable bedding ready to go. Puppy, puppy, puppy, puppy, puppy!!!! Can't wait!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I totally understand how you feel... the anxious excitement before your new baby comes home! I can't wait to see the ten tons of pictures YOU'LL take of Savannah ;-) Because like me, you tend to love your kids a bit ;-)

I'm also excited to see these knitting projects you've got going on Chelle! Do share!!! You'll have to help me finish my scarf that I started eons ago... I can get the basic scarf thing done, but I'm not sure how to end it... ;-) We'll see. It's pretty. maybe I'll add a picture of my knitting project to my blog too ;-)

CardiLover said...

I can help you with ending it. I've got this little book that has been a huge help! I'll post some pics of some of the things I've made so far for you to see.