Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Name Game

I originally had Cricket stuck in my head, but now we're also considering other names for our new puppy. The litter theme is "down home". We've got that covered with Wolfrun White Lightnin', but we really want a call name that at least makes some sense. So, Paul came up with Savannah. We also tossed around Zinnia, Eliza, Susannah, and others. Anyone got any votes? Anyone think of any others? Guess this means I'll have to let everyone know I have a blog, eh? :)

On knitting news, I got a new knitting book and daily calendar from Amazon today. I do all these surveys and things, so get gift certificates and cash that help feed my knitting obsession. Nice thing about this shipment...completely free thanks to several of these survey places. Free is always good! Anyway, I got "Big Girl Knits" and the "Stitch 'n Bitch" calendar. I don't like all the patterns in BGK, but the fitting section is awesome and would work for those who aren't BKs. As for the calendar, I tried to be good and not jump ahead, but there is some really fun stuff in their that should help make the addiction even worse over the next year. Now I've just got to get all the yarn for all the projects I've got to have done by the holidays. ACH!!!


Anonymous said...

the name game is always fun... I have always loved the name Savannah, but it likely would be shortened to Vannah... could you handle that? Maybe even Van, which then, in my mind, turns to Van-o-saurus ;-)

I will come up with some names and post a new comment in a bit :)

Anonymous said...

Tallulah, Savannah, Charlotte, Magnolia, Georgia, Scarlett, Virginia, Caroline

might want to look there....

CardiLover said...

Yup, we've been to that site, too. And we thought about the Vanna thing and would probably be okay with it. Savannah...Vannah...Vanna WHITE...Wolfrun WHITE Lightnin'...WHITE streak on the ear....hmmmmmm.... :) Yes, I am good at circular thinking. :)

Kim said...

Daisy Duke! or Daisy Mae!

Anonymous said...

Just remember that long names will always get shortened and 2 syllables (did I spell that right?) is easiest to yell.

And you don't of course want anything ending in "un" or "ee" because it will confuse them.

I guess the name Phoenix confuses her mom Phoebe even (of course the puppy is smart enough to know her own name)

Anonymous said...

I keep thinking that I should have named MY puppy Phoenix... Sedona and Dakota are AWFUL close in sound... I call Sedona her whole name all the time, and call Dakota "KOTA" all the time, but it's all so similar. Plus, Phoenix and Phoebe are so similar sounding, and since my puppy looks so much like her mom... *shrug* eh, I like the name Sedona better tho...
in my case it's the middle vowel that sounds too similar... but Vanna, Ethan and Libby are all very different... :) but then I do kind of like the Daisy idea too;-) Like I said, I've always loved the name Savannah, and actually, for a long time, had planned to name my first child Savannah, until I decided on HANNAH instead (damn it Mandy! ;-) naming your dog after my first girl!)

CardiLover said...

I think Savannah it is. I figure it'll get shortened to Vanna such as Sedona gets shortened to Donut occasionally. And we do like it because it's so much different than Libby or Ethan. And, as all of you know, our dogs have 5 million nicknames between them and have no problem knowing which one is them. Just ask Ef, Efie, Eferdoodledoo, Doody, Doodle, and Lib, Libbers, Woobie, Woo, Missy...they'll tell you they get it. :)

Anonymous said...

I would suggest against the name Charlotte. (that's my HUMAN daughter's name LOL) Of course, my sister named her second child Zach, and that was when my dog Zach was still living with us... (shrug)

I love naming dogs. And then I end up with a dog named Leo, and Charlie calls him "Wow" because she can't really say the "L" sound, so now I have a dog named Wow. And that's not even getting into the myriad of nicknames they always end up with.

I like Savannah. You could also shorten it to "Savvy" instead of Vanna.