Tuesday, September 26, 2006

...and so it began

Alright, I give in. I've finally been sucked into what I once was sort of teased about for calling "bloggie things." See...all my friends have them and that seems to be how they really keep up on what is going on with each other, though we share an email list together. So, I decided I'd give it a try. Why anyone would really read it is beyond me, but, hey, at least I can document my knitting (one cardigan) and my wonderful dogs (another cardigan) on here.

And what better time to start than with a soon-to-be new addition. We've already got two Cardigan Welsh Corgis, Libby (Prizm's Liberty Fanfare) and Ethan (Ch. C-Myste Mission Impossible), so now we'll be adding lucky number three. We haven't decided on a call name for her for sure yet, but her registered name will be Wolfrun White Lightnin'...another term for moonshine and fitting for the lovely little white streak she has across her right ear. I'll post pictures of them all as soon as I figure out exactly how that works! :)

Ethan and Libby in June 2006

Wolfrun White Lightnin' at 6 weeks in mid-September 2006

As for knitting, I started knitting in late December 2005. I love knitting bags...I've made about 6 so far. I've also made 4 scarves, a baby sweater and two pairs of socks. I always thought I'd be one of those one project at a time knitters...very atypical, but my sort of way of doing things. I was wrong, of course. Currently, I've got three projects on needles. I've got a wrap I found on the Lion Brand site going in Naturally Tussock, a sweater I also saw on there in Lion Homespun, and the second of a pair of gauntlets or mitts or whatever they're called from Knitty.com.

Well, I think that's enough to bore anyone for now...hopefully things will get a bit more exciting with time. :)


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new addition! She's adorable. What a lovely litter.

Kim said...

I LOVE that girl pup you got! Welcome to blogger~! Bout time!

Anonymous said...

EEEEK! I found you!!!!!!

can't wait to see knitting projects on here too :)